All invited to annual prayer breakfast Wed.
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Wednesday, the Picayune Knights of Columbus Council 6872 will host its fourth annual Interdenominational Picayune Prayer Breakfast.
Grand Knight Bryan Cassagne started the event four years ago to pray for the success and safety of the city.
“It’s also a fundraiser for our scholarship fund,” Cassagne said.
The Ronald Cassagne Memorial Scholarship was created to honor Cassange’s father, who was a longtime youth activist, he said.
Since 2007, the council has given away more than $19,000 in scholarships. Each year, two college-bound students receive funding to help them further their education, he said. Last year, the students were given about $700 apiece.
During tomorrow’s event, the knights will prepare a traditional breakfast, which will include biscuits, scrambled eggs, sausage, grits, coffee and juice, Cassagne said.
The event begins with an invocation and readings from the New and Old Testament, he said. The keynote speaker will be Deacon Chris Schneider from St. Margaret Mary in Slidell, Louisiana.
There will be a benediction to close the prayer meeting, Cassagne said.
“We invite all city officials and residents of all faiths to attend and pray for our city,” Cassagne said.
The prayer breakfast will be held from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 408 Carroll St.
Advance tickets cost $10 per person and can be purchased at Barze´Place Antiques and Collectibles, located at 213 Hwy. 11 S. Tickets will be $13 at the door and $50 per table of six, Cassagne said.
To learn more about the Picayune Knights of Columbus visit their Facebook page or call their office at 601-798-9857.