Picayune School District releases plan to return to normal classes
Published 1:45 pm Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Picayune School District released its plan to bring students back to school.
The plan states that the first day of school for students will be August 6, and every student is required to attend class at the campus each day unless they have an excused absence.
As for options for distance learning, the plan states that the option will be available to students who can prove they have a medical illness diagnosed by a “qualified medical provider.” Any student who does not physically attend class will be ineligible to play sports or engage in any other extra curricular activity offered by the district.
Should students have to provide proof of a medical diagnosis to gain access to distance learning
- No (89%, 17 Votes)
- Yes (11%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 19

Any visitors, including parents, will not be allowed to enter a campus any further than the front office, meaning access to any cafeteria, classroom or playground is restricted to students and district staff.
Meetings with parents will be held virtually, or in a specific area on campus. Parents will be required to wear masks when entering a campus building.
Classes will be held in “a traditional format” but the school days will be shortened by 30 minutes each day. Students will be taught in an environment that is “as close to normal as possible while following federal, state, and local guidelines related to COVID-19.”
While buses will be running on their regular schedules, “parents are encouraged to find other means of transportation whenever possible.”
While masks are optional, “students are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.”
Meals including breakfast and lunch will be served daily, but some meals could be served in a location other than the cafeteria, such as a classroom.
The plan also states that students should bring their own water bottle.
Athletic events will be held as normal as allowed by federal, state and local guidelines within the guidelines set forth by the Mississippi High School Athletic Association.
Breaks and recess will still be held “at the discretion of the building level administration,” and regular enrichment classes that include physical education, music and computer classes will be offered. Access to the library will also be open.
Arrangement of classrooms will be conducted in a method that spreads students out as much as possible and any activities that typically entail large crowds will be limited. Class transitions could be conducted in a staggered method to reduce contact between students in the hallways.
All campuses have been sanitized and the district maintenance department will continually clean them daily.
Students will be monitored by school nurses and any student with a fever of 100.4 or higher or who displays other symptoms of COVID-19 will be “isolated and the parent notified,” so the parent can immediately pick them up. Sick children should stay home and any student who was sick must be fever free for 48 hours before coming back to class.
If a school closure occurs, meals will still be provided and classes will be held virtually and through paper packets.
While students and staff will not be required to wear masks at this time, the practice will be encouraged when social distancing is difficult to achieve, including while riding the bus or changing classes. The policy may change as enacted by federal, state or local agencies. Masks with suggestive/inappropriate images, inappropriate/profane wording or is suggestive of illegal activity will not be allowed.
The document can be found in its entirety at https://www.picayuneschools.org/