Leadership program returns under Chamber of Commerce
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, June 10, 2020
After a two-year hiatus, a leadership program is returning to the Picayune area.
What was previously under the organization Pearl River County Partners in Leaders has transitioned under the umbrella of the Greater Picayune Area Chamber of Commerce.
This time the class size will need to be smaller to adhere to current social distancing practices, so there will be a limit of 15 participants.
Also, a couple of the classes held in previous years may not be held this time around, such as the trip to Stennis Space Center, said Pearl River County Economic Development Council Director Blaine LaFontaine. If for some reason the class can’t take a tour of Stennis, LaFontaine said he will ask a representative to come and speak to the class.
As with previous iterations of the program, the aim is to educate local professionals about the opportunities available in Pearl River County and get them engaged within the community. As such, the classes held over six sessions will teach participants about the local infrastructure, law enforcement agencies, economic development opportunities, the local healthcare system and provide training in the areas of leadership and team building, LaFontaine said.
The aim is to bring participants on tours of the facilities entailed in each of the categories, provided the COVID-19 pandemic does not prevent tours.
Each participant will also be provided with a personality profile.
Previous iterations of the class were kicked off with an weekend retreat, but this session will most likely be different. LaFontaine said the kick off is still in the planning stages, however.
Applications for the class are being accepted until July 3. The price to attend the class is $500 per participant.
Classes will begin in August and wrap up in January for a graduation ceremony.
Participants will be expected to attend every class to be eligible for graduation, but one absence will be excused. Participants will also be expected to engage in 12 hours of community service and turn in a report.