Board of Aldermen hire attorney to oversee bond, more officers
Published 7:00 am Thursday, December 6, 2018
Poplarville’s Board of Aldermen hired a law firm to oversee the general obligation bond that will pay to repave streets within the city, and hired a number of officers for full and part time positions with the Poplarville Police Department.
City Clerk Jane O’Neal said that during Tuesday’s meeting Brad Davis with James Walker LLP out of Jackson spoke to the Board about being considered to oversee the general obligation bond. A second attorney, Troy Johnson with Butler Snow LLP out of Jackson, was unable to attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict.
A decision on the matter was not made until after the Board held an executive session at the end of the night’s meeting. When the Board came back into open session a motion was approved to hire Butler Snow to oversee the bond.
Several officers were hired to the Poplarville Police Department as well after that executive session, with some opposition from two members of the Board. O’Neal said one of the hires was required to fill a full time spot as a School Resource Officer since another officer was promoted to the rank of captain with the Poplarville Police Department. Police Officer William J. Knight has been named a school resource officer with the Poplarville School District. O’Neal said that Al Tynes being promoted to captain created that opening. A letter will be sent to the Poplarville School District notifying that administration of the change.
During motions to hire Knight as an SRO and during motions to hire Kimble Farmer as full time, Edmond “Bo” Penton as part time, Mike Smith as part time and James Drewery as part time with the Poplarville Police Department, all Board members approved the motions except for Kevin Tillman, according to the minutes.
During a motion to hire Danny Collier as a part time officer with the Police Department, all Board members approved with Shirley Wiltshire voting against, the minutes state.
During review of the water rates in the city of Poplarville, the Board approved a motion to make no changes to the current rates, which were adopted in October of 2015.
A request from Municipal Prosecuting Attorney Clay Cranford to implement a $50 fee for all cases passed to file, which essentially means that charges were dismissed, was approved by the Board.
Discussion of the possibility of legalizing the use of golf carts on low speed streets ended with no action being taken again, except for the Board asking that the matter not be added to the agenda in the near future. O’Neal said that at this time there is not universal support amongst the Board on the matter.