Library’s annual book sale has a lot to offer

Published 7:00 am Saturday, April 21, 2018

When was the last time you picked up a good book?

How about a favorite CD or movie?

In this age where everything can be purchased digitally and downloaded to some device, we have moved away from the typical definition of a home “library.”

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Before this shift in the way we collect books, movies and music began, visiting someone’s house with a huge collection was impressive. Hours could be lost just looking at the titles emblazoned on the spines, album covers or DVDs. That time invested does not include pulling one from the carefully categorized and alphabetized ranks to actually enjoy.

For many on a budget, buying new books, DVDs or physical copies of albums is out of reach.

I try to add to my “library” as much as possible, but bills, gasoline and food typically outrank the plethora of wants.

As a result, I often stick to the budget racks where new or used items are sold at a significant discount.

Some people may say that there are not many avenues to find good forms of media at a reasonable price locally.

And while I would typically agree, starting next weekend, you will have the best chance to add to your collection during the Pearl River County Library System’s annual book sale.

This sale also includes movies and music.

If you want the best pick of the litter, consider becoming a member of the Friends of the Margaret Reed Crosby Memorial Library, because they will get a chance to buy items before the general public.

Even if you forget to become a member of this worthwhile group that advocates for the continued funding of our libraries in Pearl River County, the sale will continue for a week.

But to get the best books, movies and music, you will want to set aside time to go sooner rather than later.