It’s going to get a lot colder next week, stay warm

Published 7:00 am Saturday, December 30, 2017

By now we’ve all been alerted to the fact that most of next week will be a series of hard freezes.

While we typically don’t have to deal with temperatures that can cause pipes to burst, we do know the steps required to protect life and property.

The problem comes in how to keep warm once you have all of your plants inside, pets bundled up in a warm bed and you’ve got your pipes wrapped. Also don’t forget to check on any senior citizens you know are living in homes with insufficient heat.

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Heating a home for most of us is a simple task of turning up the thermostat on an HVAC system. If they are working as they should, the home should be comfortable enough to survive the freezing conditions coming our way.

So be sure to check the filters on your heater, and ensure it’s working properly. By now you have probably turned it on at least a few times this winter. If you have noticed any minor issues, it would be a good idea to get them fixed this weekend before the hard freezes arrive.

If you don’t have sufficient heat, avoid using the stove or oven as a heat source. This applies to gas stoves first of all, but also electric stoves.

Space heaters can provide warmth to a room or two, but they too come with hazards. Never place clothing or any other flammable item on or near a space heater. Be sure to situate the space heater in such a way that nothing can knock it over as well. Even though most modern space heaters come with safety switches that turn them off when toppled, there could still be some old models in use.

Keep these safety tips in mind, and stay warm next week while you begin your New Year.