Christmas is done, now it’s time for a new year

Published 7:00 am Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The turkey has been carved, stuffing doled out and gravy is now cold. Christmas is over.

Wrapping paper that once littered the living room and boxes for loud battery powered toys have been broken down and packed away into so many garbage bags.

The sanitation crews will have a very busy week, but just like you, he more than likely had a very enjoyable holiday with those he loves.

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Now what? We just put months of planning in to gatherings, spent lots of hard earned cash on presents and spent hours wrapping them, all for what amounted to be a five minute (if you’re lucky) paper tearing marathon and a relaxing day with those who mean the most to us.

The refrigerator is stocked with more leftovers, most of which are eerily similar to the ones that were there about a month ago, and we are considering a proper date to take down the tree.

In a matter of six short days, the New Year will be here. Some of us will make resolutions to workout more, eat healthier or maybe just drink more water rather than soda.

While I could benefit from a waistline reduction, I won’t promise to join the gym, or even eat healthier. Instead, if anything, I will just start small. More water than soda is a good start.

Even though we may have big plans for next year, it’s important not to become discouraged if for some reason those plans don’t pan out.

Any milestones worth reaching is accomplished through the investments of time and perseverance, not from taking shortcuts or giving up.

And if you didn’t reach your goal by this time next year, just remember there’s always next year.

The surefire way to never succeed at something is to never try.