County SWAT team needs community’s help, seeking donations
Published 7:00 am Saturday, August 5, 2017
Many people may not be aware, but there is a SWAT team in the county.
It’s been operational in the area for at least eight years, and while they don’t have to respond to the number of incidents as similar teams in more populated areas, they have worked a couple of cases.
One such incident occurred on Feb. 27, 2015 when Joseph Summrall decided he would lead law enforcement on a high-speed chase that ended at his house on Sycamore Road in Picayune.
When he got to the house, he barricaded himself inside, beginning a three and a half hour stand off in the middle of town that required the assistance of the Pearl River County Sheriff’s Department SWAT team.
During that time, traffic was diverted away from the area, causing delays for a number of residents.
After several attempts to have Sumrall exit the home on his own failed, SWAT team members used specialized equipment to launch tear gas grenades inside. Minutes later, Sumrall was taken into custody.
While his arrest was a combined effort of all local law enforcement agencies, having the SWAT team involved may have expedited an ending to the incident, and prevented injuries to officers.
Now, these men and women need the community’s help to purchase new equipment. That’s because the equipment they have is now outdated.
Their goal is to raise close to $50,000 in order to purchase new bullet proof vests, communications equipment and other necessary supplies.
Donations can be made through the go fund me account, or by purchasing raffle tickets for some firearms.
It’s a worthwhile fundraising effort that the community should get involved in.