Aldermen discuss routine matters
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, January 4, 2017
The Poplarville Board of Aldermen reappointed Nick Thompson as city attorney for 2017 during Tuesday night’s meeting.
The Board unanimously confirmed his appointment, except for Alderman Bryon Wells who was absent at the time of the vote.
During the remaining portion of Tuesday’s meeting, the Board discussed several routine matters including the removal of a mobile home at 107 Poplar Drive.
Thompson said that even though an opinion from the Attorney General’s office has not been written, he believes the city will have to pursue the removal of the home through Chancery Court.
Public Works Superintendent Sam Hale was not present at Tuesday’s meeting, but Alderwoman Shirley Wiltshire said she applied for a “first come first serve” supply of daffodil bulbs from the Mississippi Urban Forest Council.
Whilshire said the local troop of the Girl Scouts and other groups have volunteered to help plant the bulbs in downtown Poplarville after Jan. 12.
Poplarville Fire Chief Jonathan Head said ongoing repairs to the ladder truck will take place within the next couple of weeks. Meanwhile, the department is conducting fire inspections of the dormitories at Pearl River Community College prior to students returning to campus on Jan. 8, he said.
Poplarville Mayor Brad Necaise said he had some exercise equipment he was willing to donate to the department for strength training purposes. Head said he welcomed the donation.
In other news, the Board adopted a new state-mandated mileage reimbursement rate of 0.535.
The Board also approved City Clerk Jane O’Neal to travel to a municipal election officials training workshop in Hattiesburg in February.
Before entering into executive session to discuss personnel issues in the Poplarville Police Department and pending litigation in the public works department, the Board discussed ongoing needs for the police and fire department merger.
Head said the insurance policy is based through a fire department service, and will need to be researched to see if it will also cover law enforcement after the merger.
The next Aldermen meeting will be held Jan. 17 at 5 p.m. in City Hall.