Honest people reside in Pearl River County
Published 7:00 am Friday, December 9, 2016
What would you do if you found a valuable item left behind by the rightful owner?
Would you keep it for yourself, or try to return it to whom it belongs?
For some, there is no right or wrong answer. If the item was lost and no one is around to claim it, some people may think the right answer is “finder’s keepers.”
But, others may make every attempt to find the owner in an effort to return the lost valuable.
Not everyone would give the answer that they would try to return it. But, there are a lot of good people in the world, especially in Pearl River County.
This week a customer of a local retail store accidentally left two pieces of jewelry in a purse she returned to the store due to a defect. Those pieces of jewelry were valued at close to $10,000 collectively, more than 10 years ago.
Fortunately the staff found the items in the purse before returning them to the company, and returned them to the customer that left them in the purse.
One of those pieces is close to 100 years old, not only making it valuable monetarily, but even more so sentimentally.
There are times in life when we forget or lose things as we go about our daily lives.
So, while coffee cups left on car roofs that fall to the street are never thought of again, more important possessions forgotten in a returned purse would be forever remembered with regret.
Wednesday, the Item watched the customer thank the store employees for returning her lost jewelry with big hugs.
The sight reinforced the fact that this area is filled with good people willing to step up to do the right thing.