Natural method to seeding a lawn may not be the best
Published 7:00 am Friday, July 22, 2016
It happens from time to time, patches of bare dirt develop in your yard where you wish grass would grow.
There are two ways to handle this; buy grass seed and spread it by hand or let the existing lawn grow tall until seeds develop on their own.
While it may be cost effective, there’s a major problem with the second option, most cities and homeowner’s associations frown on letting a lawn grow tall enough to seed.
Before even considering this method, be sure to check with the HOA, and city ordinances, if these apply.
But, if you live in an area where tall grass is not a big deal, you may want to seed your lawn with the same type of grass that exists by letting it grow.
Keep in mind, letting the seed grow will also allow weeds in your lawn to do the same.
The first part is easy, just don’t cut the grass for about two months. To ensure the seeds make it to the dirt so they can germinate properly, the lawn will need to be raked to clear any debris on top of the soil.
Then, when it’s the right time, mow only a third of the height from the top of the grass with a mower equipped with a side blower. About five days later cut it again, only a third of the way down. Continue that pattern until it is to the length you desire.
Rake the yard again to ensure the seeds hit the dirt and then water the lawn for an hour the first day and 30 minutes each day after that for about a week.
Before you do this, check to see if your grass is a hybrid.
If so it won’t produce viable seeds. Additionally, some grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, will grow sideways by sending out roots and stems, filling in any bare spots. So, if you allow it to grow, it won’t spread while trying to produce seed.
Ultimately, it’s just better to keep cutting the grass.