Two suspects face drug charges in separate cases

Published 7:00 am Friday, March 25, 2016

Two men were charged with drug offenses in two separate cases worked by the Picayune Police Department.
According to arrest records filed with the department, the first case took place on March 10, at about 4:47 p.m., while an officer was conducting surveillance at a local laundromat due to community complaints of alleged narcotics activity.
The report states that while the surveillance was ongoing, the officer observed a vehicle pull up to the business and the driver exit holding a beer can, before reentering the vehicle to place the can inside the truck.
The officer approached, coming into contact with 44-year-old Melvin Alysions Hakes II of 1614 Palestine Road and noticed the smell of an intoxicating beverage on his person, the report states.
Hakes also spoke with slurred speech and appeared to have bloodshot eyes, the report states. The officer requested Hakes undergo a field sobriety test, breathalyzer test and blood test, but Hakes refused all three, the report states.
He was then taken into custody for DUI refused test, and a search of his vehicle conducted, where the officer found a bottle containing oxycodone pills and an open beer, leading him to additionally be charged with possession of a controlled substance, open beer and no insurance.
The second case took place on March 13 after officers received a complaint of a drunk driver at a local gas station. An officer responded to the call, arriving to find a vehicle parked at the business with the engine still running, the report states. Behind the wheel was 37-year-old William Paul Easterling of 217 Francis Burge Rd., Carriere, who said he did not have his driver’s license with him or proof of insurance, the report states.
When asked for his name, Easterling gave a false name. Dispatch was able to provide the officer with the correct identifying information, leading Easterling to be taken into custody and a search of his vehicle conducted.
The report states that the search found three syringes, two spoons containing a burnt residue and a bag containing a brown powder like substance suspected to be heroin.
Easterling was charged with driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance, possession of a controlled substance, possession of paraphernalia and providing false information to a law enforcement officer.

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