Video outlines gifted student project
Published 6:37 pm Wednesday, May 27, 2015

GIFTED GROUP: From left are Adaline Albritton, Alex Velexquez, Isaac Brice, Brooke Larsen, Monica Hill, Carter Edwards and Ty Elan, who are fourth, fifth and sixth grade gifted students from South Side Elementary. They presented two videos they created using special software during Tuesday’s Picayune school board meeting.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari
Members of the Picayune School District’s Board of Trustees were treated to a two-part video created by a team of fourth, fifth and sixth grade gifted students from South Side Elementary.
During the presentation, eloquently narrated by Brooke Larsen, board members heard about the use of grant funds provided by the Lower Pearl River Valley Foundation. Principal Vickie Vaughn said the funds were used to create videos about the school’s participation in the SeaPerch Program and purchase a green screen used in the production of an economic development video about Picayune.
Students at the school were also involved in the creation of music used in both videos.
Larsen told the board during her presentation that it took the team of students about six months to create both videos.
The first video showcased the development and use of remotely controlled water robots, called SeaPerch. The program tasks students with the development and construction of a frame made of PVC pipe and the use of electronics skills as students connected the robot’s motors to a remote control and circuit board. During development of their robot the students compiled footage and created a short video about their work. The Office of Naval Research, Science and Technology provided the kits for the SeaPerch.
For the video discussing Picayune’s economic development, the students got a chance to visit several places of interest, including Highland Community Hospital, Heritage Plastics and Crosby Arboretum, said South Side gifted teacher Alicia Verweij. Those locations were chosen to focus on the city’s service, production and educational attractions.
While producing the video the students learned about economics and how to work as a team to accomplish their goals. The music in the economic video featured children singing a Picayune themed tune with unique lyrics.
In a separate matter, the board discussed changing their credit card account due to issues the district has experienced, particularly while traveling. Finance Director Lisa Penton said the credit account has some flaws, especially when paying for a hotel room. While the account seems to work fine for purchasing airline tickets and paying registration fees, when used at a hotel there have been several instances of hotels losing reservations or payments, forcing the traveling employee to pay out of pocket and be reimbursed later.
Penton suggested securing an alternative credit account with a major company as an alternative, instead of staying with the state approved account. In order to do so the district would have to cancel their state approved account, and advertise for bids from the major credit companies.
The board approved a motion to make the change.
In other business the board
— Approved a motion to renew their security services agreement with the Picayune Police Department, with no increase in cost.
The next school board meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on June 9.