Vacation essential for mental health
Published 7:00 am Saturday, May 30, 2015
With the arrival of summer, thousands of vacationers will pack airport terminals, train stations and cruise ship ports with the intention of getting away from their everyday responsibilities and enjoying their summer vacation. In a world where hectic work and personal schedules constantly threaten vacation time, it’s important to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.
Whether summer vacation plans involve exploring the Caribbean islands or visiting family in another state, a vacation is a vacation and it’s essential to carve out some time in the year that doesn’t revolve around busy schedules.
Often, many families skip summer traveling because they can’t afford it. However, stay-at-home vacations, also known as staycation’s, are extremely popular alternatives. Not everyone can afford first-class tickets or five-star accommodations, which is why a staycation is a great substitute to an actual vacation. After all, vacations are really about spending time with family and taking a mental break so it doesn’t matter where families get a break just as long as they set aside time to do so.
For families planning to travel this summer but haven’t planned a trip yet, the U.S. News and World Report has named the top 13 family summer destinations.
Some of the destinations include Honolulu, Yellowstone National Park, Walt Disney World and Disney Land, London, Cape Cod, Paris and San Francisco. These locations were chosen based on great weather, dining and hotel options and family-friendly accommodations, according to the U.S. News website.
Whether families spend their vacation at home or on a tropical island, it’s important to remember that life’s too short and it’s worth taking the time to stop and smell the roses. For more information on the top summer destinations, visit