Improvements underway in Picayune
Published 7:00 am Friday, May 15, 2015
Two major projects are underway in the city of Picayune.
One has been a long awaited completion of a project that started years ago, the paving of Highland Parkway, while the second is making Crosby Commons park a bit greener. For years an unfinished section of the road prevented its use. When the project was proposed, it was planned to connect Sycamore Road with U.S. 11 and provide direct access to the new location of Highland Community Hospital.
While the city and the county completed their sections of the road in a timely manner, the developer was left to finish the bit in the middle. Weather and other delays kept completion of the road from occurring.
But Thursday morning the Item was informed that paving of the incomplete section began.
As seen in the quick take below, paving crews were out in full force. Huey Stockstill Jr., the contractor conducting the work, said he expects the project to be complete by early next week, weather permitting.
The second project involves a bit of history tied with good financial sense. Sod from the Picayune Memorial High School football field now resides at the site of the first football field in the city established more than 90 years ago, Crosby Commons.
Through an ingenious plan to salvage sod planned for removal from the football field to make way for a synthetic playing surface, the grass was removed and installed by a contractor and moved by city employees.
By teaming up with the school district to make this plan happen, the city was not only able to provide a greener surface at the park where the old hospital’s parking lot used to be, but saved more than $5,000 in the process.
With questions as to whether the federal government is utilizing tax dollars in the best possible manner looming before election year, it’s refreshing to see that our local government is not only preserving a piece of history, but saving money in the process.