Council discusses projects
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, May 6, 2015

LEADERSHIP AWARD: Kelli Beech was recognized by the Picayune City Council for receiving the Glade Woods Leadership Award.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari
Discussion of a project to pave the remaining section of Memorial Boulevard yet to be renovated was discussed during Tuesday’s Picayune City Council meeting.
During the discussion the council approved the bid submitted from Huey Stockstill Inc. to conduct the work on the small section of Memorial Boulevard that was missed in the first round of work conducted years ago.
City Engineer Vernon Moore said he expects work on the project to begin sometime in August, after all of the particulars with the Mississippi Department of Transportation have been finalized.
Once the work begins, Moore estimates the project will be completed before winter.
The city also entered into a construction agreement with Mississippi Power for the West Canal lighting project. Public Works Director Eric Morris said the project will begin with just two lights, but will eventually employ 14 along the street to the intersection of Norwood Street. The project will cost $12,000, all of which comes from donations and grant funding, Morris said.
The council also dealt with an issue of a property owner not being properly notified of a Planning Commission hearing. To fix the error the council rescinded a previous motion approved on March 17 concerning the denial of a request from Jimmy Stockstill for the conditional use of property located at 102 Meadowgreen Blvd. City Attorney Nathan Farmer said the motion had to be rescinded because proper notification was not made to Stockstill, which would have allowed him to be present at the previous Planning Commission meeting concerning the matter. Now that the council rescinded the previous decision the matter can go before the site plan review committee and then the Planning Commission, who will then make a decision and send it back to the council for their review, Farmer said.
Also during the meeting Councilor Larry Breland asked Police Chief Bryan Dawsey for a brief presentation on the department’s use of body cameras. Information covered in the presentation was outlined in Saturday’s Item article.
Evangeline Drive resident Lloyd Apel addressed the council about a sinkhole in his area. Morris told the council that a proposal to fix the problem was presented to the council during the last fiscal year’s budget workshop, but the council denied funding the work. Morris said he plans to add the project to each subsequent year’s budget until it is approved.
Rev. John Goss and Charlene Arnold presented the council with a $500 donation for use at Ben Taylor Park.
During a previous meeting, Goss addressed the council about his concerns surrounding work he attempted to conduct at that park to install pavilions, which was halted by city officials.
In other business the council:
— Approved travel for Chief Bryan Dawsey, Capt. C. Ray Carlisle and City Manager Jim Luke to attend ROCIC training conference in Springdale, Ark. from July 12 to 15. The conference is a law enforcement training seminar to keep agencies abreast on technology, crime trends and investigative techniques.
— Approved travel for Fire Chief Keith Brown to attend the Southeast Association of Fire Chief’s Conference in Birmingham Ala., from June 16 to 21 at no cost to the city.
The next council meeting will be May 19 at 5 p.m.