School board members hear about changes to insurance, project to fix ball field
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, April 29, 2015

PHYSICAL SAMPLE: Picayune School Board members Jimmy Hancock, left, and Frank Ford look at a sample of the foam material that will be used to help fix the district’s baseball field drainage issues.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari
Insurance policy adjustments and work to better the district’s ball fields were topics discussed at Tuesday’s Picayune School District board of trustees meeting.
Stewart Sneed and Hewes Account Executive Justin Ladner spoke with the board about upcoming bids on insurance policies for the district.
He informed the board to be prepared to move away from the Mississippi Windpool and subsequently expect their deductible to go up. Currently the district has a $20,000 deductible regarding wind damage, but when that policy ends in July the board will have to decide whether to increase that amount to $150,000. He said their agency has approached 36 companies to provide wind coverage, so he expects competitive bids.
As for increasing the deductible, Ladner told the board that he felt comfortable with a $150,000 deductible for a district Picayune’s size.
He also advised the board that they would need to implement policies to help curb the district’s worker’s compensation claims. In 2012 the district had an unusually high year, with $514,000 worth of claims being filed. So far this year, about $20,000 in claims were filed.
The departments with the most claims appear to be food service, maintenance and floor crews. Claims were also reported in paraprofessionals at the Early Head Start and with teachers in the special education department. Claims from teachers in special education pertained to physical altercations.
To help curb the number of claims, Ladner suggested establishing a safety committee, possibly comprised of assistant principals.
Ladner said he would have solid numbers on insurance quotes by the board’s next meeting.
Lynn Greer with Landry and Lewis Architects updated the board on work planned to improve drainage at the baseball fields. Board member Frank Feeley expressed concern about the amount of pea gravel to be installed under the field.
Greer said that the pea gravel will not be the only substance to aid in water diversion. She displayed a special foam substance that appeared to have a cloth covering along with drainage channels. The foam is designed to move heavy rainfall from the field before it reaches the gravel level, Greer said.
As for replacing the grass, the board has two options, have the contractor sprig the field, or pay a separate contractor to install sod. The decision would be dependent on when the work was completed.
After she updated the board on the plan to improve the drainage of the field, she said she is ready to move forward with advertising for bids. She suggested holding a meeting to open bids on May 5 or 7, so the project could begin before May 18. The board approved a motion to move forward with advertising for bids.
In other business the board:
— Accepted a donation from Champions for Kids National Association of Nurses to Jan Sweet of $200 for use in the district how they see fit.
— Approved a motion to advertise for bids for new combination oven steamers and sell the old ones.
— Entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Army National Guard 857th Engineer Battalion to help with dirt work to conduct improvements to the practice football field.
The next meeting will be May 12 at 5:30 p.m.