A movie you can only watch once
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Over the weekend I found a movie that is now added to the category, “seen it once and that was enough.”
The title, Stoker.
Released in 2013, the film features only one actor that I recognized immediately, Nicole Kidman. The lead in the movie, Mia Wasikowska, has a long list of other work, all of which I am unfamiliar.
If you plan to watch this movie and are concerned about my divulging too much, read on; I will refrain.
Throughout the movie an air of mystery hung over the plot, forcing me to constantly wonder what the director and writer were going for in this title. However I admit to genuinely enjoying the cinema photography and in the end, the storyline and character development.
The plot follows the tale of India Stoker, played by Wasikowska, and her mother, Kidman.
India is dealing with the death of her father combined with the manner in which her mother grieves her own loss.
Out of the blue, India’s uncle comes to stay with the family, a man she did not know existed.
During the course of his stay a number of uncomfortable situations ensue, for the viewer.
The movie deals with a number of societal issues, such as bullying, dealing with the death of a loved one and coming of age. I found the way India put an end to bullying quite humorous.
There were a couple of moments when I questioned whether I wanted to finish the movie. But, no matter how horrible a title is I will get to the end to say I’ve seen it.
However, when I got to the end of Stoker, I was glad I watched it for the first and only time.
Stoker is a movie you will most likely watch only once, like Requiem for a Dream, but the experience will stay with you, making it a worthwhile film. Just be sure to put the kids to bed first.