Healthier Decisions Equals Less Risk
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Everyday, it seems the world is moving faster and faster. It seems people are running around like mad trying to get everything on their to-do list accomplished in one day. While it leads to a productive workday, people tend to forget to stop, breathe and take care of themselves, not just for the short-term, but for the long-term as well.
Research from the Cancer Research UK shows that more than four in 10 cancers can be prevented if people “lived healthier lives,” experts said. Adding, that quitting smoking is the biggest lifestyle change one can make in order to avoid the disease. Including, being on a healthy diet.
That’s not to say all cancers would be avoided if people were to stop smoking, but it could possibly save them from developing lung cancer.
The American Cancer Society reported that the United States saw an estimated 159, 260 deaths from lung cancer in 2014.
It’s not like the link between smoking and cancer is new information. After all, the Surgeon General released the first report linking smoking and health problems in 1964.
Recently, pharmacies have joined the anti-smoking bandwagon, specifically CVS. They have stopped selling cigarettes and other tobacco products in stores to promote a healthier lifestyle in America. Other major drugstore chains will probably follow this move if it proves successful.
While this move could be seen as an infringement on the human right to free will, it could also be seen as a step forward to decrease the number of cigarette related deaths.
After all, it’s the 21st century. Medical research has come a long way since the days when people thought smoking was cool and didn’t know any better.
Granted, quitting smoking won’t cure someone from other ailments, but it could prevent at least one. In the long-term, one less problem would lead to a healthier life.