Pearl River County museum: Lend a hand
Published 7:00 am Friday, August 8, 2014
Those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it,” said George Santayana.
Similar quotes have also been attributed to other notable people throughout history. But no matter who originally said it, there is truth in those words.
While these may or may not be the exact words, the point is history is important.
That is why the Pearl River County Historical Society is working to establish a Pearl River County museum at Picayune’s City Hall.
There is a museum at the Intermodal Transportation Center in the city of Picayune that focuses on the rail industry, but the museum in the works seeks to collect items that represent life in this area from many time periods, regardless of focus.
Museums help the present get a look at how people in the decades past lived, spent their free time and earned a living.
Take for instance the flat iron.
A tool utilized similarly to today’s electric steam iron, except the flat iron required heat from a wood burning stove before it became useful.
Such a useful tool sounds dangerous by today’s standards.
In fact, most anything from the past looks dangerous through the eyes of the safety conscious today.
But it was through the use of dangerous household items that safety measures were devised, invented and now widely accepted.
So, as the members of the historical society work to collect donations and establish their museum, be sure to donate any item you have around your home to this cause.
They are also looking for cash donations and time from people with some elbow grease to lend.
There is much work to be done.
Cases need to be made and put in place, items need to be cataloged and described and money needs to be raised to ensure these items will remain preserved.
So lend a hand to the creation of this museum. It will help keep history alive.