Eight students honored for academic achievement at Poplarville High
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, July 15, 2014

ACHIEVERS: Seven of the eight students honored at Monday’s Poplarville School Board meeting are pictured. From left are Stephen Mitchell, Samuel Bond, Hannah Miller, Bailey Purvis, Lorrie Warren, David Davis and Alexander Kemp.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari
Eight Poplarville High School graduates were honored during Monday’s Poplarville School Board meeting.
The students were honored for academic or sports related achievements earned during their senior year.
The first student honored, who was absent from the meeting, was Jenascia Peters, who took first place in two track and field events during last spring’s state competition and set records for her efforts. Peters took home first place prizes in the triple jump and long jump competitions.
Other students honored at the meeting included;
Lorrie Warren, who plans to attend Pearl River Community College before working to become a pediatrician.
Bailey Purvis intends to attend college to become a physical therapist in sports medicine.
Stephen Mitchell plans to attend the University of Southern Mississippi where he will work towards a degree in marine science in order to become an oceanographer.
Hannah Miller said she will be attending PRCC to earn her nursing degree, which she will use to enter the field of neonatal nursing.
Alexander Kamp, who was last year’s valedictorian, said he is heading to Mississippi State University to acquire his degree in computer engineering.
David Davis also plans to attend MSU, but to earn his degree in mechanical engineering.
Samuel Bond said he will begin his continued education at PRCC, before moving on to Mississippi State University to earn his degree in mechanical engineering.
In other business the board approved a motion to accept the budget for the coming fiscal year.
As reported previously in the Item, the school district’s budget entails $17.5 million in total expenditures; $13.7 million would be spent on the general fund.
In other business the board was introduced to Poplarville Middle School’s new assistant principal, Vicki Boone.
The next school board meeting will be Aug. 11, at 6 p.m.