Board purchases equipment, hears about road work

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, July 9, 2014

THIN ASPHALT: County Road Manager Dale Miller shows the thin nature of asphalt in the North Hill subdivision. Photo by Jeremy Pittari

THIN ASPHALT: County Road Manager Dale Miller shows the thin nature of asphalt in the North Hill subdivision.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari

The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors agreed to purchase tractors and bush hogs during Monday’s meeting.

Road Manager Dale Miller presented the suggested purchases to the board, saying the county needs two four-wheel drive tractors, and one two-wheeled drive tractor with a side boom mower. He also suggested purchasing three bush hogs.

He said most of the purchase price of the equipment would be covered through the sale of old equipment. The county would need to cover about $15,000.

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Miller said the county received $187,734 from the sale of old equipment, and the cost to purchase the suggested equipment would be about $196,649.

Alternately, Miller said the board could consider purchasing two tractors and two bush hogs through the state contract, and lease the rest to determine if that option is more beneficial than owning.

County Administrator Adrain Lumpkin said in order to lease equipment the board would need to advertise for bids, while purchasing equipment from state contract would not require that step.

“The stuff we’re running is running, but fairly battered,” Miller said.

The board approved purchasing two John Deere Tractors and two bush hogs.

Miller also updated the board on the condition of roads within North Hill Subdivision. He found the asphalt in that neighborhood does not meet county specifications. After collecting a piece of the road, he found it only contained an inch of asphalt. County ordinances state asphalt used to construct subdivision roads should be at least an inch and a half thick, Miller said.

District I Supervisor Anthony Hales said when developers do not meet county standards it puts stress on the tax base because the county has to go back and fix those problems.

No action was taken on the matter, but Miller did advise the board of a sinkhole on Bell Tower Road that needs to be repaired. Miller said before he can fix it he wants to determine if the road belongs to the county.

Cogongrass is still a problem in spite of efforts to eradicate the invasive plant. Miller said any efforts to spray the grass have so far been unsuccessful. The best way to combat the spread of the grass is to spray twice a year and enlist the help of residents. Miller said tilling under the roots will help get rid of the plant.

John Coleman, an unofficial representative of the local health department, asked the board to spread the word about a survey available online at By completing the survey the county could become eligible for funding currently unavailable. The deadline to complete the survey is July 18.

The next board meeting will be July 16, at 9 a.m.