Poplarville to join Main Street Association
Published 12:46 pm Thursday, June 19, 2014
Poplarville’s Board of Aldermen approved a motion to become a network member of the Mississippi Main Street Association.
Board member Maggie Smith said the board approved a motion to submit the application to become a network member during Tuesday’s meeting, which will entail a fee of $1,000.
Once approved, establishing that membership will allow the city to work with the Poplarville Chamber of Commerce to begin planning to hold events similar to the ones held under the Picayune Main Street Association. Smith said Carol Williams was named as the point of contact between the city and the association. Williams will work in that capacity on a volunteer basis.
Board member Shirley Wiltshire said she has wanted the city to become a member of the Main Street Association for years.
“I’m real excited we’re going with Main Street,” Wiltshire said.
Discussion on the matter also included a presentation from Picayune Main Street Association manager Reba Beebe, who covered the benefits of becoming a member. Some of those benefits include tips on how to beautify a city, improve the downtown area and improve business facades.
Blighted property is an issue in Poplarville that the board would like to fix. Wiltshire said there is one such property that involves a number of heirs, and notification must be made to all of them before any cleanup work can begin.
The board also approved a motion to advertise for bids to bring the park and library up to Americans with Disabilities Act standards, Smith said. The work will be funded through a Community Development Block Grant and will install sidewalks to the bathrooms at the park and move the library’s entrance from the south side of the building to the east. The work will also install ramps that will be installed in the library parking lot, Smith said. Wiltshire said the board also considered installing handicapped accessible playground equipment at the park and handicapped accessible computer stations at the library.
The board is considering annexation for the purpose of economic development. Smith said while no action was taken on the matter, the city is looking at annexing additional land near Interstate 59. Wiltshire said the board is only considering areas near the Interstate with economic development potential.
In other matters the board
— Approved travel for board member Shirley Wiltshire and Williams to attend Mississippi Main Street training set for July 11.
— Approved travel for Mayor Brad Necaise to a basic economic development course to be held in Hattiesburg in September.
— Approved a motion to send two maintenance department employees to a sign retroflectivity course.
At the end of the meeting the board went into executive session to discuss personnel matters, which are not public record.
The next board meeting will be July 1.