HCH walking track available to community

EMBRACE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: HCH walking track is available to the community and offers a safe alternative to public roads and streets.
Jodi Marze | Picayune Item
Many people can be seen running and walking on Goodyear Boulevard and throughout other roads in the community as part of their workout routine. Many of those people may be unaware that there is a safer alternative to using public roads in pursuit of outdoor fitness.
Highland Community Hospital’s walking track is approximately six-tenths of a mile and is utilized by employees, physicians and community members alike.
The walking track borders the exterior of the hospital’s property line. It is well lit, free to the public and can be used at any time of the day or night.
Hospital Administrator Mark Stockstill said the track is another way that Highland Community Hospital is reaching out to the community and encouraging them to invest in their health.
Stockstill said Highland recognizes heart disease as a major threat in both the country and the county. Exercise, along with a healthy diet and proper medical care, is another way to combat heart disease.
“We are hoping that people will come together and form a walking club that utilizes this track,” Stockstill said.
We would love to see regular groups who come to exercise, enjoy fellowship and get educated on a healthier lifestyle, he said.
Stockstill said the hospital dietitian, Laine Jackson, RD, is available to speak to groups who are interested in healthy eating and nutrition. Her contact number is (601) 358-9657.