Picayune Police Department Hosts Inaugural “Shop With A Cop” Event

Published 10:30 am Monday, December 11, 2023

The Picayune Police Department successfully organized its first “Shop With A Cop” event over the weekend. This nationwide initiative involves local fundraising to pair children with police officers for a Christmas shopping experience.

Police Chief Joe Quave described the event as successful: “It was our first to do, and we considered it a success! Cpl John Saltarelli had the idea for us to get involved in the program, and it was all hands on deck ever since.”

Funds were raised through donations from individuals, local businesses, and annual planner ad sponsors. Proceeds from the ad sales were allocated to the “Shop With A Cop” program, allowing 25 local children to partake in a holiday shopping opportunity.

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Quave highlighted that the event addresses immediate community needs and fosters relationships between law enforcement officers and residents. “Not only does it meet people’s needs, but it continues relationships, which means a lot to me,” Quave added.

The department plans to conduct another fundraising effort in the fall, and community members are encouraged to contribute at any time by making checks payable to the Picayune Police Officer’s Association, referencing “Shop With A Cop.”

“We’re eager to see how many children this will impact long term. It was a positive experience, and we appreciate the donations and business ad sponsors that made it possible,” Quave expressed.

The success of the inaugural “Shop With A Cop” event has solidified its place among the department’s annual community-focused initiatives. Quave affirmed, “This will be added to our annual events where we strive to serve the community.” The Picayune Police Department looks forward to supporting the community in the coming years.