Craftsman Recognized for Environmental Dedication at BugFest

Published 3:03 pm Friday, October 13, 2023

Scott Duplantiss, and his business, Old Standard Craftsmanship, was honored with the Outpost recognition at BugFest, held at the Crosby Arboretum on Friday morning. The distinction was presented by Rhonda Price, representing the Mississippi Gulf Coast Heritage Area program, a joint initiative funded by the National Park Service and the State of Mississippi.

The Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area Program (MGCNHA) works to boost economic growth in the state’s lower six counties by emphasizing the preservation and understanding of natural, cultural, and historical resources within the Mississippi Heritage Area.

The Gulf Coast Outpost program, a component of the MGCNHA, acknowledges businesses that actively engage in environmental and cultural preservation, promoting a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Gulf Coast’s natural environment.

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Scott Duplantiss showcased his commitment to conservation by handcrafting and donating a park bench to the Crosby Arboretum. The bench was created from a single cedar tree discovered by a friend at a local sawmill. The tree had previously housed bees, and while Scott relocated them, he retained some honeycomb within the table to maintain its natural aesthetics.

When asked about his inspiration for this distinctive creation, Scott Duplantiss remarked, “It’s just been a family ethos to preserve and coexist with nature and move it forward.” He further explained, “When I saw this wood and its intricate details, I wanted to enhance it rather than remove the honeycomb or alter its natural form.”

Scott’s motivation transcended craftsmanship; he sought to honor his late mother and inspire others to appreciate and preserve nature. “So I took this one whole tree and milled it into various pieces, ensuring that one tree remains intact, evolving into a new enduring piece for people to enjoy,” he added.

In a meaningful gesture, Scott dedicated the bench to his mother, underscoring the interconnectedness of family, craftsmanship, and nature preservation at the core of his work.