Picayune City Council Recognizes Newly Elected Pearl River County Board of Supervisors Representatives

Published 3:12 pm Wednesday, September 20, 2023

During Tuesday’s Picayune City Council meeting, Mayor Jim Luke and the council formally recognized the recently elected Pearl River County Board of Supervisors Representatives, Bryce Lott and Cruz Russell, highlighting their dedication to public service.

Mayor Jim Luke expressed his anticipation for collaboration with the newly elected representatives, emphasizing the partnership that will be formed to benefit the community.

All council members extended congratulations and offered positive remarks to the supervisors.

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Bryce Lott, who will oversee District 5, emphasized his excitement for enhancing the current administration’s initiatives in economic development and stated, “I’m focused on strengthening the ongoing economic development efforts and working collectively to advance Pearl River County.”

Cruz Russell, the incoming supervisor for District 3, shared his objective of fostering growth in Pearl River County while retaining local talent. He emphasized the importance of local educational institutions and their role in allowing graduates to support their families within the county. Russell emphasized, “My priority is to encourage our residents to remain in Pearl River County and contribute to its progress.”

The acknowledgment of the newly elected representatives underscores the shared goal of propelling Pearl River County towards growth and development.