Mississippi elections open for qualifying candidates
Published 9:00 am Monday, January 9, 2023
PICAYUNE, MS – As of Tuesday, Jan 3, candidates in Mississippi can begin qualifying for the 2023 elections, which will include statewide offices, state district offices, county offices and county district offices.
Mississippians can access the Secretary of State’s official 2023 Candidate Qualifying Guide through this link, which provides information for those seeking an elected office. For all offices on the ballot this year, visit the Elections Chart on the Secretary of State’s website.
Provided by WLBT 3 News, below are general guidelines for office qualification. Candidates are highly encouraged to learn and familiarize themselves with these required legal qualifications to seek and hold office, as well as the qualifying procedures.
General qualifications for office include: |
• Be a qualified elector (registered voter) of the State of Mississippi and of the district, county or municipality of the office for which he or she seeks election. • Has not been convicted of bribery, perjury or other infamous crime, being a crime punishable by a minimum of one (1) year confinement in the state penitentiary, i.e., all felonies, unless pardoned for the offense. • Has not been convicted of a felony in a court of this state, or, on or after December 8, 1992, of a felony in a federal court, or of an offense in the court of another state which is a felony under the laws of this state, as provided in Section 44 of the Mississippi Constitution; excluding, however, convictions of manslaughter and violations of the United States Internal Revenue Code or any violations of the tax laws of this state, unless the offense also involved the misuse or abuse of an office or money coming into a candidate’s hands by virtue of an office. Additional qualifications by office may be found in the Candidate Qualifying Guide. For all offices on the ballot this year, visit the Elections Chart on the Secretary of State’s website.The 2023 Elections dates are scheduled for:• Primary Election Day – Tuesday, August 8, 2023 • Primary Runoff Election Day – Tuesday, August 29, 2023 • General/Special Election Day – Tuesday, November 7, 2023 • General/Special Runoff Election Day – Tuesday, November 28, 2023 The deadline for the qualifying period is 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
The deadline for the qualifying period is Wednesday, February 1 at 5 p.m. CT. |