Brother’s Keeper still feeding families
Published 12:16 pm Saturday, July 9, 2022
- Brother’s Keeper Ministry Board Member James Woodard stocks donuts at Brother’s Keeper Ministry in Poplarville. Photo by David Thornton Jr.
This year Brother’s Keeper Ministry Food Pantry has collected and distributed 124,960 total pounds of food to 1,193 households in Pearl River County.
Brother’s Keeper Ministry was founded in 2000 as an all-volunteer program with a mission to address the food shortages in Pearl River County households. They serve all county residents who meet the USDA guidelines based on family size, household size and income.
“When I say we serve all of PRC, there are other food pantries but we network with each other to avoid double dipping. And that has cut down a lot in the last few years and we haven’t had much of that do deal with at all,” said Suzan Fuller.
Grants received by the organization come from the Lower Pearl River Valley Foundation, along with consistent donations from churches and individuals.
“We buy our food from food banks, for the buck we get a lot,” said Fuller.
Occasionally the organization will provide small amounts of clothing, books or toys to its clients. But that’s not the main focus of Brother’s Keeper, since Poplarville already has a number of thrift store-based organizations such as Jacob’s Well.
“That’s our mission, help people meet their hunger needs,” said Fuller.
If a family or individual needs assistance from Brother’s Keeper they can call or visit the location at 208 North Main Street. Those win need will need to bring these items.
• Current and valid drivers license. (Out of state licenses are accepted)
• A document with a current address and name that shows Pearl River County residency. (Bank statements, leases or bills are accepted)
Brother’s Keeper Ministry will also assist families in applying for food stamps on site.
“That’s a great help for people, they don’t have to go to DHS and handle it mostly over the phone.” said Fuller.
Anyone who would like to donate financially to Brother’s Keeper Ministry can do so by sending that monetary donation to P.O. Box 57, Poplarville, 39470.
“We love it when people bring food to us,” Fuller said.
Brother’s Keeper Ministry Food Pantry is open 10 hours a week, on Tuesday and Friday from 9 a.m. – noon, and 1 -3 p.m. to serve their clients.