PRCC Nursing Program celebrates Spring 2022 graduates and honors achievements
Published 1:32 pm Wednesday, May 11, 2022
- ADN Nursing Program Pinning Spring 2022
POPLARVILLE, Miss. — Wednesday night, 45 Pearl River Community College students graduated with their Associate Degree of Nursing and were recognized for their achievements. Hundreds of well-wishers including family and friends from near and far gathered in the Ethel Holden Brownstone Center of the Arts for the ADN Pinning Ceremony.
PRCC President Dr. Adam Breerwood delivered a congratulatory message to the students. He spoke of the challenges faced by this class, the rigor of the program, and the dedication of the faculty and staff.
“Tonight, we have the opportunity to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of our students,” said Breerwood. “They have a servant’s heart and a warrior’s soul. They are resilient, determined and focused on the goal. We couldn’t be more proud of you and your accomplishments.”
Prior to the pinning ceremony, four students were honored with different awards. Bryce Moran (traditional AD program) and Brandy Richardson (LPN to ADN program) were recognized for Academic Excellence. Ericka Madden (traditional ADN program) and Takiyah Williams (LPN to ADN program) were recognized for Dedication to Patient Care. Finally, Emma Smith was acknowledged as the recipient of the Spring 2022 Mississippi School of Nursing Scholarship.
The presentation of pins to the graduates included the reading of dedication cards as they accepted their diploma, lamp, and pin. Several of the graduates received their pin from a family member who is also a graduate of the PRCC ADN program.
Five of the graduates were given cords in recognition of their membership in the Mississippi Organization for Students of ADN (MOSA) for one year of service with at least 50 community service credits. Twenty-one of the graduates earned a medallion having completed two years of service and a minimum of 100 community service credits. This graduating class had the highest number of students receiving a medallion in the chapter’s history.
MOSA is the only state chapter for students in the nation with the PRCC chapter participating in numerous educational, recruitment and community activities. Devon Graves served as president.
After lighting their lamps, all registered nurses in the audience were invited to join the graduates in reciting the Nightingale Pledge led by Marion Vilberg. This was followed by a thank you from Katie Taylor on behalf of the cohort. She thanked her fellow classmates, family members and faculty for their support throughout their time in nursing school.
“When we first entered nursing school, we were entering at a difficult time,” said Vilberg. “Our teachers had to embrace a new way of teaching and we had to embrace a new way of learning. Thanks to everyone’s support, we have made it.”
The evening ended with closing thoughts from Dr. Arlene Jones, Director of Nursing Education.
“You have chosen a career that will challenge you,” said Jones. “You will never be bored, and you will have immense responsibility.
“No matter where your future endeavors as a nurse take you, may you always look back with pride and remember that you are a PRCC ADN graduate. And never forget that you are a Wildcat.”
Earlier in the afternoon, eight nursing graduates were inducted into the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society of Nursing. The ceremony was held in Malone Chapel.
Fall 2021 inductees are Courtney Crosby, Devin Graves, Sydney Howell, Jessica Mixon, Dalton Reeves, Emma Smith – Vice President, Marion Vilberg – Secretary, and Takiyah Williams – President.
Guests attending the induction were given a brief history of the organization and chapter before the Capstone Project presentation. This group elected to focus on educating women about regular self-breast exams including the creation of models to learn how to do one and a door hanger with instructions. The information was passed out at the Women’s Health Symposium in January.
Each inductee was presented with a pin and cords by nursing faculty members Mrs. Rebecca Pullens, Mrs. Brittny Radosta, and Mrs. Jaclyn Smith.
Shalyn Ard*, Haley Brown, Adrienne Byrd, Michael Celino, III*, Abigail Cleveland**, Courtney Crosby**+, Grant Dement, Kaylyana Duran**, Devin Graves**+, Jeanetta Hayes, Angela Hemba, Sydney Howell**+, Claire Ingram**, Taylor Johnson*, Hannah Kaltvedt, Allison Keefer*, Amber Ladner, Hannah Lods**, Jennifer Lopez, Ericka Madden**, Jessica Mixon**+, Taylor Mizell, Cierra Montegue, Bryce Moran, Karly Moran**, Dalton Mulkey, Kallie Nies, Ann Powell, Tatiyana Randolph, Dalton Reeves**+, Brandy Richardson, Aryss Rose**, Kari Rush**, Renee Saavedra*, Chelsey Schlosser, Emma Smith**+, Kayleigh Smith, Hannah Taylor**, Katie-Lyn Taylor, Marion Vilberg**+, Courtney Waller**, Allison Whitehead, LaGraciea Williams**, Takiyah Williams**+, and Gabriellah Williamson**.
* Mississippi Organization for Students of ADN (MOSA) Cord & Medallion: 1- year member with 50+ community service credits
** Mississippi Organization for Students of ADN (MOSA) Cord & Medallion: 2- year member with 100+ community service credits