Pearl River County Library system to hold summer reading program
Published 9:42 am Thursday, May 26, 2022
- Children are invited to participate in the Pearl River County Library system's Summer Reading Program. File photo
The Margaret Reed Crosby Memorial Library will kick off its youth summer reading program with an “Ocean of Possibilities” theme. There will be an Ice Cream Social, guest speakers from the U.S. Coast Guard and Museum of Natural Science along with an end of the summer water gun and splash ball battle.
Parents can sign their child up for up for the Pearl River County Library System’s Summer Reading Program at the Picayune or Poplarville locations. Programs begin on Tuesday, June 7 and will last until Friday, July 15. See Ms. Megan Miller at Crosby Memorial Library or Ms. Angela at Poplarville Public Library to pick up a story bag.
The Crosby Memorial Library will start its summer reading program with an Ice Cream Social open to all children, teens and families on Friday June 3, from 3-4:30 p.m.
Storytime for ages 3-6 years old will be held weekly at Crosby Memorial Library from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. each Friday morning from June 10th – July 15th. These weekly programs include stories, songs, games, and crafts.
The Ocean of Possibilities reading program at the Crosby Library is open to children who have finished the 1st – 6th grade and the program will be held every Tuesday from 2-3:30 p.m. from June 7 – July 12.
Activity days at the Poplarville Public Library are open to ages 3-12 years old. That program will run every Tuesday from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. starting June 7- July 12. The Poplarville Library will host a teen focused event called Movies at The Library, for ages 13-17 years old on Fridays from 2:30 – 4:40 p.m. from June 10 – July 15.
Throughout the reading program guest speakers will also be featured. A representative from the Mississippi Aquarium will come on June 6, where the children will learn what it takes to run an aquarium. A first responder from the U.S. Coast Guard will speak on June 14, someone from the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science will help children explore the ocean life on June 21 and on June 28 Chelsea Modisette from United States Department of Agriculture will present “Eye Spy Something Cool.” Then on July 5, children will explore the Pearl River Watershed with Jeasnne Allen from United States Environmental Protection Agency.
The summer reading program will be capped of with a “Reading’s a Blast” water gun and splash ball fight. Poplarville and Crosby Library will host that event individually on July 12. Poplarville’s event will be for ages 3-12 years old and be held from 10:30- 11:30 a.m. Picayune’s event will be for 1st through 6th graders and be held from 2-3 p.m. Picayune’s location will also another Reading’s a Blast for ages 3-6 on July 15 from 10-11 a.m.
A liability waiver must be completed before participating in that event. One waiver may be submitted for the whole family. Waivers will be emailed after registration or they can be filled out in person at either branch. Children may bring their own water guns or blasters to that event.