Delta National Wildlife Refuge: Reminder of Motor Restrictions for Mud Boats  

Published 12:57 pm Saturday, December 18, 2021

While there has been an increase in surface drive motors for waterfowl hunting, Delta National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) does not permit, nor does the Refuge we anticipate allowing the use of surface drive motors while utilizing the Refuge.  Surface drive motors can cause prop scarring and destroy aquatic vegetation that waterfowl feed upon, thus endangering wildlife and is not permitted for use on the Refuge.  These surface drive motor powered vehicles can also access locations on the Refuge that have little to no water in them – thus increasing disturbance to resting waterfowl and decreasing the already limited locations for sanctuary and resting locations for other wildlife. 


Recently, the Refuge has been receiving an abundance of calls regarding the surface drive outboard motors questions and their legality of use on the Refuge. The use of surface-drive outboard motors, such as a “go-devil” or “mud buddy,” is strictly prohibited on the Refuge.     

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This prohibition is stated in the Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges Complex’s public use regulations booklet on page 17.  It states “Boats with water cooled engines are allowed. Airboats, mud boats, or boats with air cooled propulsion engines are prohibited.” 


For additional information or to download a copy of the Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges Complex’s public use regulations booklet visit the Refuge website at or call us at 982/882-2000.