Today is August 1, 2021
Published 7:00 am Sunday, August 1, 2021
On August 1st, International Mahjong Day deals a game to get the celebration started! Play your tiles well, and perhaps you’ll honor the day with a win.
The 19th-century strategy game became popular in the United States in the 1920s. While we play the game with tiles, it’s much like rummy. The players meld beautifully designed tiles with Chinese characters and symbols to earn points. Melds include pongs, kongs, chows, and the mighty Mahjong.
Because Mahjong traveled great distances, it challenges people from many different backgrounds. As a result, Mahjong also breaks down communication barriers, bringing neighborhoods and communities together. Since people of all ages play, the game also bridges the gap between generations.
There are also a variety of styles of Mahjong, including American, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japanese, just to name a few. Find the version you enjoy best to play. Learn several different ways to play and play them all. If you’ve never played, the season is perfect to learn.
HOW TO OBSERVE #InternationalMahjongDay
Take time to teach someone how to play Mahjong. If you don’t know how to play, gather some friends together, and learn! It’s simple once you can recognize the different characters and symbols. The tiles make Mahjong ideal for playing all year long, indoor, and in a park on a summer day. Use #InternationalMahjongDay to share on social media.
Riichi Mahjong Central founded International Mahjong Day to increase the awareness of Mahjong and how to play. Japanese style Mahjong is growing in popularity in Japan. This platform especially lends itself to a social element. As a result, professional leagues, much like those in the United States, are growing, too.
In September of 2018, the Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed International Mahjong Day to be observed annually on August 1st.
On August 1st, National Raspberry Cream Pie Day takes advantage of the ripe berries available this time of year. If you’re fortunate enough to enjoy some fresh-baked raspberry cream pie, it’s a day to celebrate!
Raspberries are the edible fruit of the raspberry plant. Not only do they grow on woody stemmed perennials, but they’re a very commercial crop, too. If their thorny stems remind you of a rose bush, that’s because they are in the rose family. Their genus name is Rubus.
Approximately 100 tiny drupelets cling together to make up one raspberry. Raspberry pulp and juice fill the drupelets. The drupelets adhere to a receptacle attached to a stem. Once the receptacle is removed, the raspberry is left with a hollow core.
When you’re eating your pie, keep in mind that raspberries are rich in vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. They also contain vitamins B1, B3, folic acid, magnesium, copper, and iron.
- All temperate regions of the world grow raspberries.
- At one time, raspberries were a midsummer crop. However, with new technology, cultivars, and transportation,
they can now be obtained year-round. - Did you know, an individual raspberry weighs 0.11 – 0.18 oz.
- One raspberry bush can yield several hundred berries a year.
HOW TO OBSERVE #RaspberryCreamPieDay
Invite some friends to go picking raspberries. Afterward, bake up a raspberry cream pie. Then be sure to enjoy a slice with everyone. We even have some recipes for you to try:
Also, don’t forget to share your results by using #RaspberryCreamPieDay to share on social media.
Original recipe yields 16 servings