Three Men Cited for Charter Guide Violations in Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes
Published 4:48 pm Thursday, May 13, 2021
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Enforcement Division agents cited three men for alleged charter guide violations in Plaquemines and St. Bernard parishes on May 8.
Agents cited Derrick Williams, 38, of Boothville, Devin Weaver, 22, and Robert T. Fountain Sr., 54, both of Biloxi, Miss., for failing to comply with charter boat regulations by not having a charter guide license, and failing to provide proof of liability insurance.
Agents were on patrol at the Chandeleur Islands in St. Bernard Parish and stopped Weaver and Fountain for charter guide compliance inspections. Weaver was unable to produce a valid non-resident charter guide license or a valid non-resident fishing license. Fountain was unable to produce the required liability insurance to operate a charter service in Louisiana.
In a separate investigation in the Venice area of Plaquemines Parish, agents cited Williams after LDWF received documentation of trips conducted in 2020 without the required charter guide license.
LDWF requires all charter fishermen to have a U.S. Coast Guard Captains license, a charter boat fishing guide license issued by the department and proof of at least $300,000 liability insurance all in their possession while on the water and fishing.
Not possessing the required charter guide license and proof of liability insurance carries up to a $950 fine and 120 days in jail.
Agents participating in these cases are Lt. Dave Nunez, Sgt. Jason Gernados, Corporals Thomas Forehand and Josh Laviolette and Senior Agent Kyle Haydel.