Sales tax collection continues to climb for local cities
Published 7:00 am Saturday, December 5, 2020
Both Picayune and Poplarville saw sales tax revenue increase in September from the previous month, along with cities across the state of Mississippi.
The city of Picayune received $438,134 in sales tax diversions in November from the state for September’s sales. This is an increase from the previous month, when it received $430,608. In 2019, Picayune received $383,523 in sales tax diversions for September’s sales.
The city of Poplarville received $99,555 in sales tax diversions for September’s sales. This is also an increase from the same month of 2019, when it received $85,575 and from the sales tax diversions for August’s sales, $91,823.
Across the state, cities received $40.3 million in sales tax diversions for September’s sales, similar to the $40.2 million in sales tax diversions for sales made in August. In 2019, there was $36.8 million in sales tax diversions to cities across the state for sales made in September of that year.
At approximately $2.2 million, the state’s capital Jackson saw a decrease in sales tax diversions in November from sales made in September, compared to the same month of the previous year, when it received approximately $2.3 million.