Results from presidential primary in Pearl River County
Published 10:29 pm Tuesday, March 10, 2020
- To the Polls: Poll manager Florine Raybon searches for a name on election day Tuesday at the Picayune 2 precinct in the Margaret Reed Crosby Memorial Library. Photo by Cathy Cook.
Unlike the general election in November when the County Courthouse was packed with locals awaiting election results for county seats, few were present in the Courthouse Tuesday night awaiting the results of the presidential primary.
Results available at press time contain 26 of 26 precincts within Pearl River County, but are unofficial until absentee and affidavit votes are counted.
Democratic Primary
In the race for President, Joe Biden received 1,232 votes, Michael Bloomberg received 30, Pete Buttigieg received 5, Tulsi Gabbard received 15, Amy Klobuchar received 2, Deval Patrick received 3, Bernie Sanders received 347, Tom Steyer received 5, Elizabeth Warren received 14 and Andrew Yang received 5 votes. There were 7 write in votes.
In the race for United States Senate, Tobey Bernard Bartee received 125 votes, Jensen Bohren received 93 and Mike Espy received 1,374 votes. There were 14 write in votes.
Republican Primary
In the race for President, Roque ‘Rocky’ De La Fuente received 38 votes, Donald J. Trump received 7,132 and Bill Weld received 74 votes. There were 16 write in votes.
Running unopposed, Cindy Hyde-Smith received 6,937 votes in the race for United States Senate. There were 84 write in votes.
For U.S. House of Representatives Fourth Congressional District, Carl Boyanton received 427, Robert L. Deming III received 341, Samuel Hickman received 2,612 and Steven M. Palazzo received 3,860 votes. There were 8 write in votes.
Unofficial turnout for Tuesday’s election was 26.7 percent.
State wide results will decide whether a runoff election is needed on March 31, said Circuit Clerk Nance Stokes.