Aldermen asked to promote Census
Published 4:05 pm Wednesday, August 7, 2019
- Poplarville’s 10U All-Star Baseball team is recognized by a resolution passed at Tuesday’s Board of Aldermen meeting.
The Board of Aldermen approved the creation of a complete count committee to encourage responses to the 2020 U.S. Census during Tuesday’s meeting.
Mayor Rossie Creel asked each Board member to find two volunteers to serve on the committee. Census partnership specialist Traycee Scott-Williams recommended the creation of the committee because trusted local voices informing the community on the importance of responding to the census will ensure everyone is counted.
Alderwomen Shirley Wiltshire suggested the Census Bureau set up a table and provide information during the Pearl River County Fair in September. Scott-Williams said the Census Bureau could provide a tablecloth and informational material about census jobs, if the city could find a volunteer to man the table.
In a separate matter, the Board authorized hiring Redd Pest Control Solutions to treat the police department, the new public works building, Poplarville City Hall, City Park restrooms and main pavilion and the Poplarville Public Library for termites.
Initial installation of termite baiting will be $490 for each of the five contracts, a total of $2,450. There will be a $270 annual renewal fee for each of the five locations.
In another matter, the Board passed a resolution recognizing Poplarville’s 10U All-Star Baseball team for winning the Dixie Youth District 8 title. The title allows the team to proceed to nationals, said Creel. Head Coach Randy Graeter thanked the City of Poplarville for its support.
In other business the Board:
—Set two more budget workshops for Aug. 12 and 15 at 5:30 p.m.
—Authorized holding a public hearing on the proposed 2019-2020 budget and tax levy at 6 p.m. on Aug. 20 in the Board Room of City Hall.
—Adopted the official list of streets to be paved as part of the 2019 Municipal Bond issue.
The next regular Board meeting will be Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 5 p.m. at City Hall.