Board of Supervisors hear request for funding at meeting
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, July 2, 2019
- Roy Acker speaks to the Board of Supervisors to request funding for Community of Christians Helping Youth during a meeting held Monday. The nonprofit is based in Picayune and offers free programming for K-12th graders on a first come, first served basis.
Roy Acker, Executive Director of the Community of Christians Helping Youth, requested funding from the Board of Supervisors during Monday’s meeting.
The nonprofit offers free mentoring to K-12 students with programs in STEM, 4-H club membership, and programs focusing on nutrition, hygiene and the performing arts, Acker said. Christian discipline is one key to the program, Acker said. The nonprofit currently has 38 students enrolled and a staff of six, Acker said.
The program’s funding was recently cut, Acker said, and costs approximately $200,000 to run annually. Acker requested financial aid to purchase educational and office supplies, monthly subscriptions, Microsoft office applications and snacks.
District I Supervisor Donald Hart asked Acker to return to the Board and make another presentation prior to the upcoming fiscal year. District IV Supervisor Farron Moeller said he had little knowledge of the program before the presentation and would like to help with funding if possible. Board President Sandy Kane Smith said the Board would keep the nonprofit in mind when budget workshops are held.
In other business, District III Supervisor Hudson Holiday said that after speaking with representatives of one of the volunteer fire departments, he believes the county needs a structure where repairs to fire trucks can be conducted. Moeller said that in his experience, the volunteer fire departments keep close track of truck maintenance and manage that well, but if they need help, the Board should help them. Smith said the Board should send Emergency Operations Manager Danny Manley to evaluate the fire trucks at the department in question to see see what assistance is needed. No action was take in relation to the discussion.
In other business the Board:
—Entered executive session to discuss potential litigation. No motions were made after the executive session.
—Rescinded a bid to repair two sites on County Farm Road because the contractor, TCB, withdrew it. The Board then approved a motion to award the bid to the second lowest bidder, Holliday Construction, for $27,375. Supervisor Hudson Holliday did not recuse himself during discussion or voting on the matter. He said he did not recuse himself because he has no financial ties to the company.
“It is owned by my brother, but we don’t even speak,” Holliday said.
—Approved programming the repair of a bridge on County Farm Road so that the county can receive leftover Local System Bridge Program funds from the state to replace the bridge.
—Authorized the purchase of an equipment trailer for Emergency Management Office with a grant from Coast Electric.
—Authorized the issuance of funds to Manna Ministries from MEMA.