Board of Aldermen swear in new police chief, discuss road repairs
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, June 5, 2019
- OATH OF OFFICE: Greg Hartley, Poplarville’s new police chief, takes the oath of office during Tuesday’s Poplarville Board of Aldermen meeting. Photo by Cathy Cook
Poplarville’s new Police Chief Greg Hartley took his oath of office during Tuesday’s Board of Aldermen meeting.
“We definitely appreciate the Board’s hard work and long hours in finding a police chief,” said Mayor Rossie Creel.
In other business, the Board took bids for surface maintenance of city streets for phase 1 of the 2019 Road and Bridge Bond Program under advisement.
The Board asked engineer Jason Lamb of The Walker Associates PLLC to send a written request to the bidding companies, Warren and Warren Asphalt Paving and Bush Construction Company, to formally extend their bids to Tuesday, July 2.
Warren and Warren’s bid was for $991,000. Bush Construction Company’s bid was for $1,183,000.
The Board also discussed applying for the Mississippi Development Authority Small Municipalities Limited Population Grant Program. The grant would be used to construct an outdoor stage and restrooms at City Square Park. The grant could be worth up to $150,000, and the city is required to provide a 10 percent match, said Lindsey Ward, senior project manager at the Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District. The Board approved a motion to apply for the grant.
The Board also approved motion to provide a $5,000 administrative services fee to compensate SMPDD if the city is awarded the grant.
The Board will need to engage an architect for the project by July 18th, said Lamb.
Design and cost estimates are due to SMPDD by June 30, said Mayor Rossie Creel.