Jackson Landing Road work on hold
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Repaving on Jackson Landing Road has met with a delay but is expected to be finished in mid-June said County Engineer Les Dungan.
The county road crews have had to halt efforts to repair the road from the intersection of Grover Barrett Road and Union School Road due to a waterline issue. Dungan said those crews are waiting for the city of Picayune to replace a waterline before the next phase of the project can begin. The line should be replaced within two weeks, he said.
Motorists will notice patches of fresh asphalt on the road. Dungan said those are areas where road crews repaired the base of the road.
The next step is repaving.
This project is being completed via an agreement with the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors and the Picayune City Council, since the road runs through the municipal limits and into the county.
The city’s share of the project is expected to be about $78,000, and the county will pay $45,900 to pave the remaining section, according to previous coverage. During a previous Council meeting, it was said that the agreement will ultimately save the city $100,000 in expenses by having county road crews conduct the work.
The entirety of the project runs two miles down Jackson Landing Road and intersects with a section of road that was already repaved by the county last year, Dungan said.