Golf tournament to support Wildcats football team

Published 7:00 am Thursday, May 10, 2018

To help support the Pearl River Community College football team, the college is hosting an inaugural golf tournament on May 25 at the Millbrook Golf and Country Club at 1 p.m.

All proceeds will be used by the football program to purchase better equipment and uniforms for the players.

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“We are trying to move this program forward and to be successful we need to raise money, otherwise we will not be able to function,” said Head Coach Ted Egger.

The tournament will also provide opportunities for students in the program to interact with members of the community, he said.

The tournament will be a 4-man scramble, meaning there will be four people per team. The cost is $80 per player or $300 per team. Registration will be held at noon the day of the tournament.

Also, businesses can sponsor a hole for $100, Egger said.

“We are really excited and looking forward to this day where people will not only donate money but get something out of it as well,” Egger said.

Egger said the event will also offer food, prizes and 50/50 raffles.

There will also be first, second and third place prizes given to participants of the tournament, he said. Tournament tee-time will be at 1 p.m. and all participants will be provided with lunch and two beverages.

Egger hopes to organize similar fundraisers in the future that will benefit the football program.

For more information about the tournament contact Ted Egger on 989-388-9812 or email