Board reviews final drawing of county courthouse annex

Published 7:00 am Friday, May 25, 2018

During Wednesday’s meeting, the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors met with architects from Landry and Lewis to review final drawings for the county courthouse annex.

County Administrator Adrain Lumpkin said county officials reviewed the plans and suggested some minor changes. During the next meeting scheduled for June 4, the Board plans to consider a motion whether to advertise for bids, he said.

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In a separate matter, the Board decided to request the attendance of the county’s three school district superintendents to attend the June 20 Board meeting so discussion of school bus turnarounds could take place.

Board Vice President Hudson Holliday said each district turns in a county bus turnaround request and because the county bears the expense, the Board needs to be judicious to ensure each turnaround is efficient and properly located.

Holliday also spoke about a dilapidated property near the Hillsdale exit, which has become an eyesore.

He said the property was previously a gas station and convenience store, but hasn’t been used in 15 years and as such the property needs work. Holliday said the property could be viable for the construction of another quick stop or possibly a Dollar General.

“Presently there are 20 owners of that parcel of land and each owner has an eight foot strip,” Holliday said.

He said it’s been eight years since discussion about the property occurred. Board Attorney Joe Montgomery is expected to update the list of owners so they can be contacted, Holliday said.

In other matters, Tax Assessor Gary Beech presented the Board with an application for ad valorem tax exemption from Huey P. Stockstill LLC.

Beech said the company purchased a location at the end of Goodyear Boulevard for $4 million to be used as an asphalt plant.

The Board approved the request that will now be sent to the Mississippi Department of Revenue for consideration.

In another matter, the Board approved a request from 15th District Circuit Court Judge Prentiss Harrell to increase the pay of a public defender from $75,000 to $80,000 annually.