Encourage healthy eating habits among children
Published 7:00 am Saturday, April 7, 2018
Far too often, Mississippi is ranked low in a categories dealing with health, at times at the bottom of the list compared to other states.
When these rankings are broken down, we find that many of our citizens suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular disease and even a combination of all three.
No matter how hard various groups try, they can’t seem to entice the residents within this state to adopt a healthier way of life.
But still these groups soldier on in the hopes that by educating our youth about healthy life choices, our ranking in these categories will one day improve. And those efforts are well fought, especially for our future generations. One example is the recent presentation of grant funding from Blue Cross and Blue Shield to the Poplarville Lower Elementary, which will allow the school to continue its health initiative. Early in February, it was announced that the Poplarville school won one of those coveted grants in response to the efforts of the students and staff efforts to make healthier food choices and by engaging in physical activities.
Poplarville Lower Elementary Principal Candace Henderson said the grant will allow the school to continue its Fresh Fruit Friday program and be used to purchase items for a portable health classroom.
It is well known that good or bad habits are learned at a young age and when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, the same rule applies. Children will learn from the examples set by not only their parents, but the other mentors they have in life, such as teachers.
It’s our hope that the schools within Pearl River County will continue their best efforts to teach children about the benefits of healthy eating, and engaging in regular exercise.