Caring for senior citizens in the community

Published 7:00 am Thursday, April 26, 2018

In Pearl River County we’re blessed to have facilities that create opportunities for senior citizens to socialize and engage in weekly workshops and fun activities.

From art classes, birthdays, festivals and organizing performances for the entertainment of the residents, everything is intended to helping senior citizens make the most of their life in retirement. Not only do these activities keep their minds engaged, they help them indulge in fun and games.

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to attend an art exhibit at a personal care home within Picayune.

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The center’s inaugural art exhibit showcased some great work created by the facility’s residents over the past year.

From art created with pencil, watercolor, and even buttons, the work on display showed some creative effort by the residents with help from their in-house activities director and volunteer art teacher.

It was my first visit to the center, so it was great to see the residents excited about people’s interest in their work of art.

It’s always encouraging to see members of the community volunteer to lift the spirits of people who have minimal access to the outside world.

To add to the fun, a performance by a local band gave the event some background music, and great snacks kept appetites at bay. The day was dedicated to showing residents the best time possible.

I’ve always enjoyed visits to events where volunteers young and old give of their free time and resources for the betterment of senior citizens.

Time and again it is important for us to show that we care and are ready to extend warmth to the community by making a difference in someone’s life.