Supervisors hear bridge repair update

Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 22, 2018

During Wednesday’s Pearl River County Board of Supervisors meeting County Engineer Les Dungan gave an update regarding ongoing bridge repair and replacement projects.

Dungan said four bridges on the north end side of Spring Hill Road were replaced utilizing approximately $1.2 million in federal funds. The Board passed a motion to issue final acceptance of the project and released the contractor of further responsibility.

Pilings under the bridge on Olive Church Road have been replaced and it is now open to traffic, Dungan said. The Board approved a motion to make a payment of $14,850 to MGD Holding LLC, for making the required repairs.

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Dungan said the cost to install two culverts to replace the bridge on Homer Ladner Road came in under budget. The work was conducted by Holliday Construction, LLC. Total cost of construction was $67,353.50 about $400 less than the estimated project cost. The Board approved a motion to make the required payment to the contractor.

He said the bridge on Otis Jones Road is currently open to traffic. Asphalt work to finish up the project will begin as soon as weather conditions are ideal.

One of two bridges on Progress Silver Run Road is being replaced. Contractors are currently installing piling at that location, and work on the second bridge will commence as soon as contractors replace the first one, Dungan said.

Dungan requested the Board approve a motion to cancel the state aid project on Homer Ladner Road. He said the county considered using local funds to repair the bridge so it would be open to traffic sooner. By not using state aid funds on that project, the money could be used to replace another county bridge.

In reference to the countywide pavement project discussed during the Board’s last meeting, Dungan said he expects to receive bids by April 10. The project will require paving approximately 13 miles of high traffic county roads, he said.

For more on Wednesday’s meeting see Friday’s edition of the Item.