Provide pets with the care they need

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Having a pet, whether it is a dog, cat, rabbit or any other animal, is a big responsibility and we should do everything possible to give them the best life possible.

Before we adopt a pet, we should do our research on what type of care is required because the moment the animal becomes part of our life, they become a new member of our family.

The first thing a person should do is to research what kind of animal best fits their lifestyle. There are many breeds of dogs or other animals out there that you can bring into your home. During my childhood, I grew up with two dogs, a Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd.

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These breeds of dogs require large amounts of space because they need plenty of exercise daily.  Since my parents didn’t have the time to play with them, it became my responsibility to make sure they got the exercise they needed. Just because these types of dogs were able to fit into my household perfectly, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will into yours.

Besides making sure the dogs were getting plenty of exercise, we would make sure they were eating the right amount of food, we would bath them regularly and take them to the veterinarian. While many of our visits to the vet were just regular checks up, knowing that there was nothing wrong with our pets made us feel better.

Nowadays, it seems that everyone is running out of time to accomplish everything on their lists of things to do, but if you have a pet at home take some time out of your routine for your pet’s health by taking them to see a veterinarian regularly. 

Whether your pet requires a shot to prevent heartworms or just an annual examination of its teeth, ears, nose or any other part of its body, a checkup will go a long way towards the health of the animal.