Police working rash of auto burglaries in Picayune

Published 7:00 am Friday, March 30, 2018

The Picayune Police Department is currently investigating a series of auto burglaries that were reported by city residents.

Picayune Assistant Chief Jeremy Magri said three complaints were submitted to the department the morning of March 26. It is suspected the burglaries took place between 9:30 p.m. on March 25 and 7 a.m. on March 26.

Three vehicles, two on Circle Drive and one on Adcox Road, were reportedly been broken into during that time, Magri said.

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Magri said a silver watch, checkbook and some cologne was reported stolen from one of the two cars on Circle Drive. A book bag, purse, US currency, two binders and miscellaneous papers, pens and pencil were taken from the second vehicle. Some US currency and a pair of earrings were reported stolen from the car on Adcox Road, he said.

Since there were no signs of forced entry, all three vehicles are believed to have been left unlocked prior to the burglaries, Magri said. He said later that day they received a phone call from one of the complainant on Circle Drive stating they had located the binders, miscellaneous papers, pens and pencils in a ditch a short distance from their house.

“I would think all three vehicle burglaries are related and the same suspects are involved,” Magri said.

He said the identity of suspects is not known at this time. Anyone with information regarding these crimes is asked to call the Police Department at 601-798-7411.

“We ask for all residents of the city at all times to lock the doors of vehicles when you exit them,” Magri said. “Ninety-nine percent of the vehicle burglaries we work are due to the fact that the vehicles were left unlocked.”