It’s never too late to walk away from an abusive relationship

Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 1, 2018

Last month was teen dating violence month, which is part of an effort to shed light on the fact that some teenagers are involved in abusive relationships.

Seldom do we realize how many teenagers go through this traumatizing experience that can leave many emotionally scarred for life.

According to the Mississippi State Department of Health, last year 1 in 10 teenagers reported incidents where their partners abused them.

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It’s true that abused teenagers are too naïve to understand the severity of what they are going through and sometimes continue in these relationships quietly, but it’s never too late to say no.

The truth is those dealing with abuse need to come to terms with their situation, instead of telling themselves that what’s happening is just a phase that will pass.

Bad phases do pass, but not bad people.

If you think you’re not strong enough to confront the situation alone and fear the actions of your partner, try confiding in someone really close to you.

Most often people try and shield themselves from everyone and everything around them but good company can help you emerge from these situations stronger than ever.

If you don’t think friends or counseling can help, try your mother or father, because they are your best friends.

If you are currently in an abusive relationship, it’s time to end it right now!