Spare a moment to make someone’s day special

Published 7:00 am Saturday, February 24, 2018

During the last couple of weeks, a common scene has been witnessed outside of local sporting events, vehicles stuck in the mud.

These situations occur due to the amount of rainfall the area received over the last couple of weeks.

While some vehicles are equipped to handle such tough conditions, others are not.

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When a vehicle gets stuck, it is much easier to get it out if other people are there to help.

Alone, that task is much more difficult.

The Item sports reporter has witnessed these situations while attending sporting events over the last couple of weeks.

The latest case occurred Thursday night after the Picayune softball game.

After that game, it was noticed that an individual’s vehicle was stuck and the driver was by himself. For 20 minutes, the man tried to get his vehicle back on the road.

What made that possible was the help of several other individuals who joined in the effort to send this man on his way. These simple acts of kindness and help may not seem like much at first,  but that small level of assistance surely meant the world to that man.

Acts of generosity and being a “good Samaritan” can include more than just helping a person get their vehicle out of the mud.

They can include helping a person carry their groceries to their car or even helping them jump start their car.

Sometimes we decide not to help others because we either think we don’t have the time or we don’t know the other person.

But if we think about it, we might find ourselves in a situation where we need another’s help but no one is on the way.

These acts of kindness make our community the pleasant place it is today. Take a moment out of your day to make someone else’s a little easier.