Investigation underway to track suspects and vehicle

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Last week, a Hancock County woman was pulled over in the Lee Town community by a white pick up truck that had blue lights imitating those on law enforcement vehicles.

Hancock County Sheriff’s Department Chief Don Bass said the woman pulled over, mistaking the truck for an official law enforcement vehicle.

He said once she pulled over, the occupants of the truck tried to pull her out of her vehicle and assault her, but she was able to fight back, Bass said. She got back into her car as the suspects fled the scene.

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The woman sustained minor injuries.

Bass said his staff are still investigating the case and are seeking the public’s help to identify the vehicle and suspects involved.

He said the Sheriff’s Department normally does not use unmarked vehicles to conduct a traffic stop, so residents should be wary if a similar incident occurs again.

“We suggest residents call dispatch first if people have any doubt while being pulled over by an unmarked vehicle,” Bass said.

Bass said anyone who is being pulled over by an unmarked vehicle and has a concern should call 911 and provide dispatch personnel with a description of the vehicle. Before coming to a complete stop, Bass suggests the driver head to a safe, well-lit area. Bass advised against accelerating away from the vehicle and turning on emergency flashers.

However, Bass said that residents should not ignore a vehicle with flashing blue lights because it could be manned by a sworn police officer.

Once dispatch is informed, another unit will be sent, Bass said.